Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1st Oklahoma City gig, yummy restaurants and a nail in our tire.

We opted to drive the 5 hours from Kansas City to Oklahoma City on Monday night. We left at 10pm after a fabulous home made steak dinner on the grill, a glass of red wine and great conversation. I drove a couple hours and Neel drove 3 hours. It definitely wasn't the most relaxing drive we have yet, due to the deer crossing. As we left Kansas City we were overly warned of the dangers of the darting deer all along the highway. So, I was watching for deer more than I was enjoying the peaceful ride. LOL Thank God we made it safely by 3am.

Tuesday we visited with family, as Neel's parents and sister all live in Oklahoma. We noticed the city has grow a lot since we were last here. Neel kept pointing out the new developed areas and restaurants. I even ate at a Vietnamese restaurant for the first time and really enjoyed pho soup. (Just another name for beef noodle soup). ;)

We were trying to post some of our show posters around town, to promote the OCU gig coming up on Thursday and decided to stop at the local tire place. Neel said the tire air pressure light had been on since Kansas City. The mechanic looked at the tire, tested the pressure and sure enough the front right tire was low. So we roll the tire around to see if there was a hole in it or a nail. Nothing. Finally at the last minute the mechanic saw and pointed out to us the nail like shard that was in the side wall of our tire. Damn it! Almost through the whole tour with no car problem. Oh well, better safe than sorry. We got two new tires.

This morning I drove to Christ the King Catholic School, where my kids gig was located. It was in a very nice neighborhood called "Nichols Hills". The school is beautiful and large. I was escorted to the Gymnasium, where the show would be held. I quickly realized how much I like performing in that size space. It was wonderful to be in a big open area with no chairs! The show started at a 12:30pm and I made it a USA themed show. All of my songs were prefaced with a "freedom" explanation and I incorporated other patriotic songs including "This land is your land, America the beautiful, National Anthem and Oh When the Saints go marching in". It was sweet to hear the children, of all ages from 4 to 10 years old singing the songs too. AND when I did the song "STOP" it was sooo much fun to see the kids following my lead around the whole gym laughing and laughing and doing the musical freeze game together.

When the show was finished a soldier, who's son named "Hunter" was at the show, came up to me. He said he loved the show! That was nice to hear. :) I actually was very moved myself when I saw him standing in the back with his hand on his heart singing the "Star Spangled Banner" too. I'm glad this show was about "freedom". I sure am appreciative of that.

The school director asked me to come back during the school year. She said she'd like to get the PTO to sponsor me to come back and accommodate my stay. :) I'd love to be back anytime, I told her.

I could really get used to this! ;)

Neel and I went to a Mexican restaurant after the show. It is called "Ted's Cafe Escandido". AMAZING food! I have never had better Mexican food. Fresh, yummy and great service! They gave us free chips, salsa, cheese dip, soft flour tortilla app and free sopapilla dessert. All home made! Best! That's sayin' a lot coming from South Florida. Hahhahaaa. I guess Oklahoma has a lot of good restaurants.

Tomorrow is our last show on this tour. It will be in an auditorium with 488 seats at the Oklahoma City University. We tried to promote it as much as we could. I'll be very curious to see how many people show up. :0

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