Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2nd Illinois Gig for Private school.

The weekend in Chicago with my sister and both families was great! Everyone got along and laughed a lot! We went to all the touristy/famous places such as Giardano's pizza, House of Blues, Buckingham fountain, Willis a.k.a Sears tower, Millineum park, the Shedd aquarium and more. Good times!
Yesterday we said good bye and went our seperate ways. Hard to say good bye to family, but we now have a new outlet that will bring us together again. Soon I hope! :)

We had dinner with friends that Neel's known for over 20 years. Nice to have a yummy home cooked meal! It was the first time we met their daughter too. Good to see the kids playing together.

Later we drove on to Schaumburg, IL. Home to one of the world's largest malls. Ayi Dios Mio!

When we arrived at the hotel it was close to 10pm and it was just about to rain. Lightening and all. Yikes! As we started to roll our suitcases to the lobby the rain started. Sage was beyond tired and only wanted to be carried. Of course we couldn't because we all had suitcases in our hands and were trying to avoid getting soaked. He started crying more and more and...loudly. He worked himself up! We all made it into the lobby safely and Sage continued to cry. All of a sudden he started to motion as if he was going to throw up and before we could rush him into our room, three doors away, he...yes threw up in front of everyone, in the lobby. I rushed him to our room and he was fine. I didn't look back. Just thankful that Neel has so much patience. Ugh. LOL. Sage fell asleep asap. He was just exhausted. They don't call it the "witching hour" for nothing.
I woke up early this morning to get ready for my gig in Schaumburg at the prestigious Early Learning, private school called "The Goddard School". It was only a couple miles from our hotel. When I got there the Director asked if I could do two short shows, instead of one. That way they could have the younger students first and then the older group. It was a good thing she suggested this, because the young ones were ity bity! Barely walking. LOL. I went into Mommy and Me mode and got them all movin' and groovin' to old familiar tunes like "Wheels on the Bus and Where is thumbkin" and a couple fun originals. The Director said she's never seen them particpate so much. Yay! Then came the older kids up to 5 years old. There were about 60 kids. They were excellent listeners and we all had a great time! They asked me to come back as soon as possible.

I'd love to do this again in September! And there are atleast 7 Goddard Schools in the Chicago area. Hmmm ;)

We finished our Illinois trip with a visit to the super mall, of course. LOL. Now we're headed to Iowa where I have two kids shows. One will be with Neel playing drums! :o

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