Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Iowa gig, tornado warning and corn crops!

We arrived in North Liberty, Iowa last night at dinner time. All I could see for miles, on the ride in, were corn crops and hills. Also, I've been noticing the gigantic wind mills. How resourceful to use the wind mills for energy...and they are quite beautiful and peaceful to watch. The entire country should have more of them!

Went to bed pretty soon after a yummy taco dinner.

You forget that people are actually supposed to be working, during the week. It's only Wednesday, "Hump Day" as most employees call it. So, our friends were working most of the day while we lounged around their house.

All of a sudden a noise started to sound and lasted a long while. It was the tornado warning! Yikes! I've never been in a tornado, but would LOVE to see one. LOL The television said the warning was until 4:45pm. I was planning on going to set up for my gig at 5pm. Would it be cancelled?

Around 5pm the warning was diminished and the weather was actually nice and sunny. Neel helped me go to the North Liberty Library and set up the sound equipment. There was no one there 20 minutes before the show. I could tell the librarian was a little nervous. But just as all good parents do, everyone showed up at 6pm - show time! It was packed, in between book shelves and computer monitors. hahahaha! Lots of dancing and singing! At first everyone was a litle hesitant. They probably thought I was crazy! But by the end, the little ones didn't even pay attention to my strip of tape that sectioned off "My area". I had to say "Mom and Dad come get your little ones off my speakers and back them up before I bonk them in the head with my guitar". I'm kidding of course, but come on people! LOL ;)

My little girl, Emma was in the front row with our friend's daughter and her other 6 year old friends having a great time, participating, raising their hands and loving the show. On the other hand, our 4 year old boy, Sage is OVER the whole Mommy's show experience. He was sitting on the floor, in front of course, and just refusing to do anything, to make space for others to dance around him and all he wanted to do is suck his thumb. LOL So, I signaled for Neel to come get him and he was fine hanging with Daddy. He says he likes to "Roar like a lion and sing ABCs, but doesn't want to dance". I'm sure by now he's bored with the same ole songs...hhahahhahaha poor little guy. I can only understand. I guess I'll make more of an effort to give him the option to stay home. LOL He's a trooper.

The librarian asked me to do another show there whenever I'm back. Another audience person asked me if I lived in Iowa and was going to be doing music shows all summer long on Wednesdays. Too funny! Always nice to hear. ;)

Neel got some good pictures. I'll try to figure out how to post pictures on this blog.

Next gig is at the Iowa City Children's museum this Satuday at 2pm. It's my first show that is in the stadium/theatre seating style. I will have to edit my show and remove the square dance song. Other than that, I think children will be able to move around just fine in their seats. We'll see any way. Hahhahaaa. This one is special too because Neel will be playing drums with me. YAY! A real live sound.

Play day with the kids tomorrow. Water park, playground and fun. Then tomorrow night we are planning to go out with just the adults. What does that mean any way? It's been too long.
Til then....

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