Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 days til Tour begins!

It's Tuesday night and I can't stop thinking of all the things I need to do to prepare for this kids music tour. So much to do, so little time. I can now understand why entertainers have someone for each area of expertise or an agent that does all of this for them. Booking dates, confirming dates, emailing invoices and flyers, hotel rooms, locations, addresses, advertising the events in local papers, PR in general...ya da ya da. I guess I'll just touch on each area and hope that's enough to get me started. LOL

This tour will feature 9 Kids music shows and 6 to 8 cities...including and in order: Nashville, Cincinnati, Chicago, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and maybe Dallas and Mobile.

These next few days I'll pack, do some last minute shopping for cute clothes that are bright and kid friendly (whatever that is) and get my house ready to leave for over 3 weeks.

I'm a Mommy of two children and lucky enough to have a super supportive, musician for a husband. I have been preping the kids for the trip for what seems like weeks. We still don't know how they'll do on the road for that long. Yikes!
We'll see....

Til then,

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