Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nashville Kid's gig!

"Here's your morning wake up call" greeted me on the phone this morning. Why they called at 7:55am instead of 8am, is beside me. Nonethless, up and out early!
Thank God for GPS. What did we do without someone reciting directions to us??? I jumped into my big ole van in downtown Nashville and listened to my GPS woman's directions to the Hillwood Country Club my first gig on this tour.
After a few minutes of driving through winding, hilly roads lined with huge, beautiful trees I arrived at the country club. It was gorgeous! I was greeted with smiles, posters with my face on it and show information every where! Fun! :) They escorted me into a big ballroom space. This gig was booked as a "Mommy and Me Music Class" so I set up my small sound equipment and got all of my puppets, instruments, scarves, bubbles and guitar ready.
Everyone trickled in and the show started 15 minutes late. Normal. It went well...lots of energy, participation and interaction from these Nashville kids and Moms for an hour. At the end, every Mom bought a CD and the director of the Country Club asked me to come back. With that, I was off.
I met up with my peeps outside of our hotel and picked everyone up to go to lunch. We met another old friend of Neel's for lunch.
Now we are on the highway headed to Cincinnati.
Can't wait!!!!
Cincinnati is where my twin sister Jen and her family live. She has children the same age as mine, 4 and 6 years old. We haven't seen them in two years since she moved away from Florida and up to Ohio. Should be a lot of fun for all of us! :)
Next gig is in Cincinnati on June 17th performing with my sister.


  1. "We met another old friend of Neel's for lunch."

    Hey! I'm not old... am I? :-(

  2. Nooooo, not at all! It's nice to know someone for a long time. And even nicer for me to put a face with a name. ;)
