Monday, June 14, 2010

Closterphobia, Nashville and Friends

We made it to Chattanooga by 7:30am and decided to take a detour to the famous Ruby Falls, America's largest underground waterfall. It opened at 8am, so we waited outside and enjoyed the view of the sun rise and fog over the mountains and lake. Sooooo different than Florida. Beautiful!
The tour group started at 8:26am and as we descended 266 feet my heart started to feel squeezed. My thoughts started to panic that I was underground and trapped. No sooner did we land, that I asked to go back up. Ugh, I guess I am definitely closterphobic! That was scarey. Neel and the kids continued to the water fall and took pictures for me to see.
That afternoon we met an old roommate of mine, from Atlanta who now lives in Nashville. And later we met an old friend of Neel's too. Nice to catch up in person!
Before the sun set we walked all together down 2nd Ave and Broadway and enjoyed a long stroll in and out of Nashville's finest...tourist shops. Of course, we bought unique items and clothes that say "Nashville". Can't resist. Who knows when we'll be back here. Fun! Seems we missed the CMA awards and Bonaroo by one day. Bummer, that would've been cool to see and hear!
For dinner we went to Big River on Broadway and our 4 year old son fell asleep before his food arrived. What we forgot was, the time change! So, they felt as if it was 9pm when it was just 8pm Nashville time. So, Neel ended up carrying him back to our hotel up hill all the way. LOL
Tomorrow is my first kids gig at Hillwood Country Club in Nashville, TN at 10:30am. I really have no idea what space they have planned for me and/or how many kids. So, I'm planning to get there early to figure it out. This first gig I'll be doing on my own. Neel will play percussion on some of the bigger shows.
So, hopefully I'll find my way.

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