Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cincinnati TWIN show!

Yes! I said TWIN show! My twin sister Jen lives in Cincinnati and she too has two children ages 4 and 6 years old.

We arrived in Cincinnati Tuesday night June 15th, after making a tiny detour to the National Corvette Museum. Love me some Vettes! ;)

Wednesday morning Jen and I practiced our songs together. She and I have both inspired each other to write kids songs. We have raked up the phone bills for the past 8 months, singing our little songs to each other and being good critics and encouragers. She got her guitar out and we ran through each song we planned on singing for the kids show. It was hard to not get a little teary eyed when we started to sing in harmony...such a familiar sound and good feeling. We have sung together our whole lives since we were 3 years old. Since we had kids we haven't sung together. This was a real special moment.

We then, went to downtown Cincinnati and had lunch with Andre, my sister's husband at Skyline Restaurant. Later we hung out at the Cincinnati Children's museum and let our kids play for hours! What a great place and huge!

That night, after dinner Jen and I went downstairs to the basement and set up all of the sound equipment and did a couple run-throughs of the entire 45 minute show. We worked out the silly banter in between and the song transitions, to make sure our show would leave the kids exhausted and happy!

This morning I woke up, rested and ready to do the kids show. I put on my "twiny" shirt.....yes we bought matching shirts that were different colors. One was green and the other was pink. We both wore white pants. I know cheesy, but it was fun! LOL

We arrived at the Madeira library at 10am. I was surprised the space, where we were performing, was open to the rest of the library. I knew we would be LOUD! But no one else seemed to be worried about it. It was a rather large library. As my sister predicted a lot of people showed up. There were over 140 at the show!

We sang and danced and laughed and "roared like a lion" and had so much fun! My sister and I interacted like we've been doing kids shows our whole lives. Hahaha! Little did the audience know this was our first kid's show together. The kids were all ages and really participated with gusto for 45 minutes! Lots of CDs were sold too. Bonus!

We met up with my sisters friends at the Swain park afterwards. It's a beautiful place Cincinnati.

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